Actively engaging Indigenous youth with a proven and effective model that builds resilience and reinforces traditional wisdom
Over the last 35+ years, Project Venture has embraced a positive youth development approach that combines Indigenous values with outdoor activities to develop resiliency. Year-round outdoor activities such as mountain biking, hiking, rappelling, and basic outdoor survival skills promote a deeper ancestral relationship to the natural world while also expanding positive self-concepts, improving problem-solving, and building strong leaders.

Our Programs
Our flagship program combines adventure-based experiential learning with service learning and culturally-based leadership. Over the last 35 years, the model has consistently demonstrated positive outcomes in preventing substance abuse and decreasing depression, anxiety, and anger in Indigenous communities.

Healthy, thriving Indigenous youth are connected with the land, climate, and seasons and gain knowledge about ancestral farming methods and traditional, sustainable food systems that they eventually transmit to their own children. Project Pre-Venture is a culturally-relevant program with experiential outdoor activities organized around traditional food systems, service learning, and intergenerational connections.

Adult and Peer Mentors engage younger students in outdoor adventure activities such as hiking, camping, rock climbing, canoeing, and other activities that develop social/emotional, academic and life skills along with physical abilities. PV Mentoring recruits high school students, including many PV Alumni, to train as Peer Mentors to support after-school and weekend activities, and to serve as role models in the community.

Venture Beyond Prevention (VBP) is a therapeutic positive youth development approach that focuses on risk factors and disparities facing Indigenous teens, particularly reducing teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. VBP is an adaptation of Project Venture, and has been refined and tested since its first implementation more than 10 years ago.

Over 25 years ago, NIYLP recognized the need for culturally responsive, gender-specific programming and developed Walking in Beauty. This program incorporates gender-adapted outdoor and experiential education groups, service-learning activities, rites-of-passage support groups, talking circles, and opportunities to reconnect with meaningful traditional practices alongside families and elders. Walking in Beauty emphasizes Tribal rites of passage, empowering young women to navigate adolescence with confidence, cultural pride, and a deep understanding of their roles and value within their communities and society at large.

Training & Technical Assistance
Project Venture trains Indigenous communities in the US, Canada and abroad.
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